Marching Band
Marching band is part of the band at Wilson. We participate in the Homecoming and Halloween Parades. Before school starts, everyone comes to the school, and we practice our music and marching. It is a really cool experience to be a part of the parade, rather than sit and watch. It takes a lot of practice to pull it off, but it’s all worth it in the end. This year we also got to march with the high school and John Deere’s marching band during a varsity football game at Browning Field. It was awesome to be a part of something like that, where everyone comes together through music. If you haven’t already, then you should try out band and marching band. It’s not for everyone, but a lot of people don’t even know they like it, because they never even try it. Marching band is normally in the fall, so next year don’t miss out!