Saturn’s Moon Enceladus’
Saturn’s Moon Enceladus may be habitable for life. The same chemical reactions that sustain life near deep-sea hydrothermal vents on Earth could be happening within Enceladus' subsurface ocean known as Methanogenesis. Those reactions depend on molecular hydrogen. There are geysers that are blasting off water with ice from a fairly large ocean, which could prove Enceladus could be habitable. The ocean stays in liquid form because of Saturn’s gravitational pull stretching the moon causing internal tidal heat. Enceladus has hydrothermal vents that possibly microbes feed off to producing methane. Enceladus has its own atmosphere. Enceladus might be the cause of Saturn’s ring because of Enceladus’ geyser that shoots of water ice that mixes with rock blasting off into space. Enceladus might have plate tectonics because there are gashes that are called tiger stripes on Enceladus that could be caused also cause hydrothermal vents. Cassini-Huygens gathered samples on Enceladus to find could it support life. To prove that Enceladus is habitable for life, scientists needs more data.